Re: If-Then Statements and Deductive Reasoning

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I tell the story of how when I was little there was this commercial with Michael Jordan eating Wheaties. So I went grocery shopping with my mom and begged for her to buy me Wheaties, which she gladly did. The cereal was disgusting, but I ate it because I thought I could be like Mike. Instead of using the conditional statement: If you are Michael Jordan, then you eat Wheaties, I was duped into believing the converse: “If you eat Wheaties, then you will be Michael Jordan.” This is how commercials fool little kids, by advertising the converse statement.


-If you drink Pepsi, then you will be Britney Spears.

-If you buy Kobe Bryant’s shoes, then you will play like Kobe.

-If you buy Justin Bieber’s hair product, then girls will go bonkers.